Swan Lake - Linda Friesen Couture

Disclaimer: This post may contain advertisement. I did not get paid or commissioned to write this, but as I am talking about the people I worked with and tagged their pages it may have an unintended advertising effect. Actually all I want is to show you some photos and tell you about my shoot though. #stupidgermanlaws ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Last summer I got to model some really amazing gowns designed by Linda Friesen Couture. You might have seen the wonderful red dress in one of my previous entries - this is another one we shot during that day. This dress was inspired by Swan Lake and I am so impressed by the beautiful polimorph design Linda did for this piece, as well as for countless others that you can find on her facebook page *here*. Make sure to check out her work!

Photos by Lilif Ilane Artwork

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